7090 is the Bermuda Triangle of the performing arts.

We make art at the boundaries of music, performance and installation art and we don’t care about the fixed rules and frameworks that are part of every art discipline. On the contrary: we play with these rules and expectations so that we end up in a world that constantly takes on new forms. Our art is like a joyful voyage of discovery, because the result is unknown.  Above all, we have fun and make art that exudes the joy of creation.

We live in a time in which not only new economic, social and political relationships are emerging, but also in which new ways of life and new means and ways of experiencing the world are being produced. We are curious about these changes and focus on a form of performing art that suits the times. This necessitates a freedom of thought that goes beyond the boundaries of disciplines and presentation forms.

For each project we investigate all possible resources to find the right narrative form. Nora Mulder and Koen Kaptijn, the core of 7090, search for kindred artists for each project and form a temporary group with them - sometimes as a large collective, sometimes as a compact cell. With sounds, images and actions, we take you to a world where you no longer know exactly what you are experiencing or what is coming next. We leave a trail of renewal behind us.